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September 22, 2011

Einstein's Theory of General Relativity

I know it's been a while since I've written something here. But I decided to do so now. So fear not!

So, in science class, lately, we've been studying gravity (and the Law of Universal Gravitation, proposed by Sir Isaac Newton). Then today, I stayed home and didn't go to school. However, I spent the day doing productive stuff, among them, I watched a documentary I had recorded about Einstein. They were discussing his theory of General Relativity, and so, I found it to be very interesting.
As I was watching, the narrator started talking about Einstein's theory, and then pointed out that according to Einstein, there's no such thing as gravity. How is this possible? you may ask. Well, here's how:

  • Sir Isaac Newton knew that unbalanced forces were needed to cause movement, and he thought of gravity when the apple fell. We know that. However, what they don't tell us is that he knew a push was needed to change the object's movement. When the apple fell, he had no explanation as to what that push might be. He resolved to make up the idea of gravitational pull.
  • Einstein knew this. One day, he was thinking, and wondered what would happen if a man fell from a building. He concluded the man would be weightless, which was how he began to form his theory of special relativity.
  • [insert lots of things here that I don't feel like explaining]
  • He decided that what Newton thought to be gravity, is actually the bending of the time/space fabric around objects, and that such bending/warping causes objects to fall to other objects. Kinda like if you had a blanket stretched out, and you had a basketball (for example), and dropped it on the center of the blanket, which by the way isn't on the floor, but suspended, then obviously, that center part would sink down, right? Now, picture another ball (maybe a softball). If you drop it near the basketball, it will fall towards it because the blanket is "warped". This same thing happens in the universe.
  • Hence, all we know about gravity is wrong.
  • Einstein proved his theory with observations of starlight during solar eclipses (when the light passed near the sun, it was warped).
This means our teacher is teaching us erroneous information, which makes the class quite pointless. Don't you think?

September 9, 2011


So, for English, I have to do a research project on how the eyes and brain perceive color. Apparently (and this makes very much sense to me, having discussed this before with my dad), everyone sees colors differently. What I mean by this is that we do not see the exact same shade of colors as someone else does. For example, the purple in my blog might seem brighter to me, and darker to someone else looking at it. Or it might be more pinkish than purple to someone. I find this to be very interesting. I also find color blindness to be interesting. My dad, for example, is yellow-green colorblind. He can see yellow. He can see green. He just can't see yellow on green or viceversa. He can't see a yellow golf ball on grass. It's hard for him to distinguish it, even if it seems obvious to me that it's there, and the yellow makes it stand out to me.
And now I ran out of stuff to say. Odd.
I wonder, what would it be like, if someday I saw color the way someone else does. It would be odd, don't you think?

September 3, 2011

Ask My OCs!

Yes. My OCs (original characters) have blogs now. You can ask them anything you want, they will most likely answer :D
Links here:
Ask Midnight and Violet
Ask Akira and Haruki
Ask Tsubaki